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Workshops for which coaching may also be purchased are denoted with an *
  1.  Understanding ASD: this workshop provides information about ASD,  including a review of diagnostic labels, key features, and prevalence of ASD. â€‹

  2. Understanding ADHD: this workshop provides information about ADHD, including a review of diagnostic labels, key features, and prevalence of ASD. â€‹

  3.  Choosing Effective Treatment: this workshop provides a parents' guide to the scientific method and types of studies; reviews red flags for alternative treatments; and discusses what to look for and what questions to ask when choosing treatments

  4. Why does my child do that?: this workshop helps parents to identifiy overall treatment goals, the functions of behaviour (the "whys"), antecedents and consequences of behaviour (ABCs)

  5. Preventing Behaviours*: this workshop discusses antecedents to behaviour problems and provides ways to develop proactive strategies to prevent behaviours

  6. Visual Supports*: this workshop gives parents the tools to develop a daily schedule and how to use visual supports to decrease behaviour problems

  7. Reinforcement Part 1: this workshop focuses on the concept of reinforcement and how to use it to promote compliance, strengthen desired behaviours and teach new behaviours

  8. Reinforcement Part 2*: this workshop focuses on “catching your child being good” and teaching play and social skills through child-led play

  9. Planned Ignoring*:  this workshop explores the use of  planned ignoring to reduce behaviour problems

  10. Getting your child to do what you asked*: this workshop discusses effective parental requests and the use of guided compliance and compliance hierarchies to enhance compliance and manage noncompliant behaviours

  11. Functional Communication Training*: this workshop will help parents to teach alternative, communicative skills to replace problematic behaviours; various augmentative and alternative communication systems will be discussed

  12. Teaching Skills Part 1: this workshop will focus on using task analysis and chaining to provide parents with tools on how to replace problem behaviours with appropriate behaviours and how to promote new adaptive, coping and leisure skills

  13. Teaching Skills Part 2*: this workshop will teach parents various prompting procedures to use while teaching skills

  14. Keeping it going: this workshop will focus on strategies to ensure positive behaviour changes last and to promote using new skills in new places with new people.

  15. Toilet Training Issues: this workshop focuses on common toilet training concerns such as frequent accidents, refusing to poop etc.

  16. Eating Issues: this workshop focuses on strategies for increasing the number and types of food your child will eat as well as strategies for helping your child stay at the table to eat

  17. Sleep Issues: this workshop provides a review of what is typical sleep at various ages as well as how to combat specific sleep issues such as not staying in bed, getting up at night, and taking a long time to get to sleep

  18. Setting up and Using a Token Economy: this workshop provides information about what a token economy is, how to set one up, and how to use it to change behaviour

  19. Using Time Out Effectively: this workshop provides the do's and don'ts of time-outs

  20. Teaching Imitation Skills: this workshop outlines the various levels of imitation skills and a gives a brief introduction about how to teach them

  21. Crisis Management: this workshop discusses how to handle behaviours that have escalated or are new challenging behaviours

  22. Teaching Social Skills: this workshop provides parents with various tools to teach social skills. The use of peer tutors, structured play dates, and social stories will be discussed.

  23. Discrete Trial Training: this workshop presents the basics of DTT which provides the foundation for teaching almost all skills.

  24. Natural Environment Training: this workshop presents information on how to do incidental teaching of skills while playing with your child or during the course of everyday tasks

  25. Arguing and Talking Back: this workshop discusses strategies to use for children who engage in frequent arguing and/or talking back

  26. Understanding Executive Function: this workshop provides an overview of what executive functions are and how issues with them can impact learning and behaviour.

  27. Teaching Executive Functions: this workshop gives some tips and techniques for teaching executive function skills.

  28. Transitions: this workshop provides some tools for dealing with tricky transitions.

  29. Teaching Self-help skills: this workshop provides tools for teaching skills like brushing teeth, getting dressed, bathing, simple meal prep, chores etc.

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